What a Will Kit doesn’t do

There are various ‘Will Kits’ available on-line – most are cheap or ‘free’ and all you need to do is download them and fill in the blanks. Many websites boast that you can prepare your Will ‘without spending hundreds of dollars on legal fees’. Simple, right? Not...

Top 6 Power of Attorney Questions

A Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives a trusted person, the legal authority to act for you, and to make legally binding decisions on your behalf.  If you do not have a Power of Attorney then you should contact us and find out more. Below are 6 top...

Avoiding conveyancing traps – special conditions

Conveyancing is the process involving the transfer of legal title of real property from one person to another. The conveyancing process is designed to ensure that the buyer obtains good title to the property together with all the rights that run with the property and...